
My life seems to be full of deadlines at the moment, a list of things requiring immediate attention, mainly to do with administration. As fast as I achieve and tick off one thing, another report, article or preparation for a church service seems to take its place.

Hence little time for tatting.  Whenever I do get a spare moment I try and make a brooch as they don't require a pattern to look at and so are easy to pick up and put down without getting into a mess!

Last week I went into a local charity shop to buy some more buttons for the brooches only to find that someone had purchased the entire stock!!  My surprise and disappointment mingled into one and I  really kicked myself for not buying more of them last time I was in the shop.   Not only that some of the buttons were still on their original cards.

These were originally purchased from a Woolworth's store which disappeared from our High Streets in 2009 and still sadly missed.  Frank Winfield Woolworth was an American and started the business in 1878 and his stores soon spread to other countries.  It was in the 1960's that the 'Winfield' brand first appeared in the shops.  It seems a shame to take the buttons off their original cards but they are just the right size and colours, and so needs must!   But I look at these buttons and recall walking around Woolworths, perhaps the sight of them brings back memories to you? 


  1. Wonderful brooches You made! Very delicate with all the beads.
    Happy Tatting

  2. I wonder what the other person was planning to do with so many buttons? - maybe the same as you were! never mind, you have some at least, and I have learned never to assume things will still be there next time. I have my grandmother's button box, and it is a treasure trove, with buttons she saved from my grandfather's Boer War army uniforms!

    1. I wonder also Maureen what the person wanted with all those buttons especially as they were different sizes and colours and not just the ones I was buying.

  3. Love your brooches.

    Sigh... I was just lamenting the loss of Woolworths to my daughter-in-law the other day... Spent a lot of time there as a single mom when the kids were little. It was a real godsend for us!
    Fox : )

    1. Like you I can still recall shopping in Woolworths

  4. Such pretty brooches and buttons!

    I bought my first tatting shuttle at Woolworths, sigh.

  5. Lovely brooches, and those buttons will make some more great ones, it's a shame to take them off the cards, but as you say needs must,
    I still cannot understand why a store that size and a shop in nearly every town went, if they were in trouble financially why not shut the ones who were not making a profit, the company must have known they were in trouble, it leave it until they all had to go and the thousands of staff made redundant. It's left a big hole in the shopping streets. I like you miss them and when I want something I still think woolworths, perhaps because of my age I always went there for whatever. They are still on line but I don't know what they sell online, might be worth a look.

    1. Like you Maragaret sometimes I forget that Woolworths are no longer trading and think I will get a certain item from there!

  6. Ooooh, how I miss Woolworth's. There is nothing like it anymore, not even the other large discount store with the name that starts with "W".
    Those brooches in the photo are lovely. Are they made with the Winfield buttons?

    1. Agree even the dollar or pound shops will never match up to the Wonder of Woolworths!
      Actually only the purple one is using the Winfield button, but they are all going to be uses eventually.


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