Dress Making and not a lot of Tatting

Tatting has been set aside in the last few weeks as I have been doing a little bit of sewing.   Lately I have looked at hundreds of dresses in the shops but little have impressed me either in style or material. I even dragged Jane around the shops when I visited her the other weekend!  So I decided to make my own,  finding a brand new pattern stuffed in a drawer was a good start.  The material I bought in Indonesia last year and it seemed to go with the style of the pattern.

This is the result and yes it is in the suitcase ready to go to Singapore!

So is this brooch

I have just come back from a meal at the Bishop of Winchester's Palace where I met another Bishop's wife who was so interested in the tatted necklace I was wearing. We then had a conversation about tatting for she had never heard of the craft.  I told her to look for this blog I do hope she finds it.


  1. That's a realy lovely sundress - I can see it also with a short-sleeved jacket for airconditioning.
    You're very clever - I sewed for years and years when my children were small, but these days the sewing machine is hauled out to repair my grandchildren's clothing or to make the odd fancy dress costume.
    My daughter, unfortunately, took too much to heart my mantra: never learn to do anything you don't really want to do.....because then you might be asked to do it.
    Mind you,she does have a wonderful singing and dancing sewing machine which her father bought her, and I have a feeling in my bones that one day, oh so sadly, my own will just not want to work anymore!:)

    1. Like you Maureen I sewed when my children were small and the sewing machine I use is what is nowcalled 'vintage' and and has travelled the world with me. It just might give up the ghost like yours soon!

  2. Dog, that brooch is SO gorgeous! Wow! Nice dress too.

  3. The great thing about sewing is that you can choose the pattern and the fabric! Good job. I love the brooch too, hopefully it will lead to more interesting conversations.

    1. Thanks Jane, the negaative side to making your own clothes is that they don't always come out as attended! But I might have another go at 'sewing my own' in the not too distant future

  4. I like sewing summer dresses too Sally. For a while it seemed impossible to find pretty ones in the shops so I gave up, found a few patterns I like and usually make a couple of new ones every summer. I was just thinking yesterday I needed a new one... and then saw your post! Mind you we've not had too much summer yet, have we?

    Beautiful brooch - I really like that pattern from Jane.

    Have a wonderful trip!

  5. Like your attractive sun dress looks just right for your holiday. Years ago I too enjoyed making clothes for our two children, my favourite items were coats. I loved the tailoring aspect of it. Not done any clothes making for years.

    Congratulations too upon, hopefully, encouraging a new tatter to our 'hobby'.

  6. Congrats on the dress, very pretty. I too sewed clothes for the kids. All those girls would have been too expensive to clothe otherwise.
    That brooch is stunning. Is that one of Jane's patterns?
    Have a really great trip.

    1. Yes it is Jane's pattern and I am addicted to it!

  7. I quite agree with you, the dresses in the shops this year leave a lot to be desired. Lovely pattern and great summer dress.
    Gorgeous brooch, it is nice to introduce someone to the craft, I had the same on Monday when I was having a pre-op talk with a nurse unfortunately I did not have any tatting with me but I gave her my card with my blog address on it.
    Hope you are enjoying the sun

  8. Pretty dress. I really like the pattern.
    Your brooch is lovely, too.
    Hope you enjoy your trip.

  9. Oh wow! I had no idea that this dress was made by you! When I first saw it, I thought that it looked really gorgeous. Now I know why :)
    You should try for the 2nd season of The Great British Sewing Bee!



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