Holiday Tatting

It is hard to believe that just a fortnight ago I was on a beautiful island off the coast of  Malaysia.   And whilst I was there I left my mark on the sands, okay it did get washed away, but for a short time it remained for all to see!

My holiday tatting was very limited not just because of time but also because of materials. At the last minute I threw in a bag just a spool of mixed thread and two shuttles.  Originally I was going to take a handkerchief edging to work on, but just could not cope with the fine thread, so abandoned that idea.  But  I managed to make Jane's wheelbarrow.

And a butterfly 

They were both photographed on the island, where there were so many beautiful flowers and everyday fresh petals were put into this container.

We also had a bulletin telling us what was happening in the resort and this is the one from a fortnight ago, or rather the top of it as I am not allowed to show you the whole piece!

The quote was also apt especially as it came from a person I so admire C.S. Lewis.

 And yes hornbills were everywhere.

Sadly though I never managed to meet up with Jon Yusoff whilst in Malaysia it was just not possible as we had a tight schedule which meant no diversions!


  1. Lovely wheel barrow and butterfly. Must have been haven just sitting on the beach, and a lot warmer than it is here.

    1. It was heaven Margaret and seems just a dream now.

  2. Holidays always seem like a dream when you get back home! - I like your tropical wheelbarrow.
    CS Lewis is a favourite of mine as well - and Chesterton! Have you read his poem about the Donkey? - it always gives me goosebumps.

    1. Yes I have read The Donkey and know what you mean Maureen.

  3. I love hornbills! At the moment we have lots of grey hornbills flying about. Their beaks are not as big as the ones in your photo though.

    1. Well Jane I had never seen a hornbill in my life, so to find so many of these cheeky birds flying around and scavenging food was amazing

  4. It looks like a wonderful place to visit! I really like your new page look... great way to show off where Pop-A-Bobbins come from and which woods are available. I can see that I'm deficient in my collection! ;-)

  5. Thanks for sharing some of your visit - a place I will likely never get to experience in person. I would love to see a Hornbill! Love the C.S. Lewis quote as well.

  6. The hornbills were great to see Cindy and only part of the island wildlife. You never know you could experience such a place one day, life is never cut and dried.


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