Boxes and Shuttle

I am going through another craze of decorating boxes, these two are now on their way to Tat Days in Georgia, hopefully they will arrive before September does! Inside each one of them is a pop-a-bobbin shuttle, they are for the silent auction.

Here is a shuttle made from some Silver Maple wood that Fox sent me from Canada, or rather "'Im in the garage"!  Beside it is a teak practise shuttle and taken before is was properly finished off!

The shuttle is on a flight to Canada.


  1. what a nice thing to do for the auction I bet that will raise lots of money, Just beautiful Thanks for the reminder, I should get to work on that too!

    1. Since I attended last year and had such a great time I am eager for more people to benefit by being able to be part of Tat Days

  2. How beautiful! The wood is very light - much paler than I imagined.

    I am very excited, Sally. Thank you ...and 'Im in the Garage!
    Fox : ))

  3. The wood is very light Fox, we were quite surprised at the paleness

  4. Those practice shuttles are a great idea - and they could be personalised, if 'im in the garage can put names on them. The school I attended gave all the girls numbers! - horrific, isn't it, but I am attached to mine, and I'd love a practice shuttle with my number on!

    1. I did suggest that they could be decorated but unfortunately was told that the teak was too dark so they would have to be made from a much paler wood.

  5. Oh, how I wish I could go to Tat Days! It will have to wait a few more years until retirement. Hopefully you'll be in the mood to decorate boxes then so that I can bid on one. Is it too early to request blue? ;-)

    1. In the batch I have made there is a blue one and was thinking of putting it in my next giveaway so you may very well get a chance to win one sooner than you think!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Carol they have become an addiction but take so long to prepare before the tatting can be attached.

  7. Beautiful pale wood shuttle, and the boxes are beautiful too, they should raise a good bit of money.

    1. I hope they do raise some money especially because of their contents!


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