Container and Book

I expect we tatting folk are all the same, forever on the look out for the best way to store tatting equipment.  My latest find was a make-up container.   I stood and pondered in the shop for quite a time wondering if the small square holes would  be big enough for shuttles, but they were, in fact it is even possible to fit two in the same slot!

                                          This is what the container looks like empty

There are always books for sale at church events and someone kindly took one out before it went on the stall and gave it to me, as she noticed a few pages of tatting mentioned in it. The book is called McCalls Needlwork and is packed full of such handicrafts.

There is no mention of who wrote these patterns which is such a shame, the book was published in the 1960s.   I am very tempted to have a go at one of them even though I hardly ever tat doilies, well once in a blue moon!


  1. Ahhhhhh, you've taken a blog post off me!!!! Thanks so much for the one you gave me for my birthday. It's a great way of storing those odds and ends which lurk round tatting corners!!!!

  2. Cool! I like that idea! I keep my tatting stuff in a big basket that I can carry from room to room...when I remember to use it! :)

  3. Your tatting supplies look very neat in there! There seems to be a lot of cutting and tying in those older patterns. Perhaps you could update them?

  4. that is a neat idea.
    The round doily has some very pretty flower bits in that one round. Not something I remember seeing before. The square doily has an interesting center and corners.


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