50 years ago

Today is a very momentous day as most of you are probably aware for it marks 50 years since President J.F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.  But it was also the day when C.S. Lewis died in his home near Oxford, England but of course his death was rather overshadowed by what was happening in America.  

Tomorrow marks 50 years since the first screening on UK television of Dr. Who and so there is a special episode to mark the occasion on Saturday evening.  Although my childhood memories of Dr. Who were more to do with hiding behind the sofa as I was so frightened!

But there is no good dwelling too much on the past we have to look forward and tomorrow marks the day when the next batch of shuttles will go on sale at 20.00 GMT, and here are a few photos of them.

These are pear and holly wood

And a pair of Christmas earrings, sorry not sure where the pattern came from as I have had it on my computer for ages.


  1. Fabulous shuttles! I've read about folk planning to set their alarm clocks so that they can buy them as soon as they're for sale!

  2. November 22nd was my mother's birthday - so I have double reason for remembering the day! In company with everyone else "of a certain age", I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard about the assassination.
    I used to watch Dr Who with my father who was a science fiction tragic, but it never held my interest; in those days I still preferred my books, and my father used to subscribe to the Argosy magazine where many of the SF classic writers were published for the first time.

  3. Maureen it is one of those events in which the cirmstances you heard about it will for ever stay with you. I'm not a 'Whovian' or interested in SF but I live with one!
    Jane it seems awful that people are actually disturbing their sleep to buy one.

  4. Beautiful shuttles, and I those Christmas tree earnings are really nice look fun to make too!

  5. Good luck to the shuttle hunters. While I love the pop a bobbins - They are my favorite, go to shuttles - I will refrain from shopping. I have some, and I want everyone to have a chance at the wonderful shuttles.
    Thanks to "I'm in the garage" and his lovely talent for wood working and Sally for her tatting talent.

  6. A momentous day in history- JFK's death touched the world, Dr. Who still lives on, C.S.Lewis changed the world with his faith journey! The shuttles are lovely! I enjoy your blog, and your sister's also. Sisters are blessings.

  7. I remember the day well, my fathers mother who claimed to be disabled and could nit stand up without help, always saying she could do nothing. We were all sat watching the news and she stood bolt up right and said what are we going to do now. As we live in the UK really it was nothing to do with the UK or would affect her life. It's a day full of history, I remember the first doctor who programmes, they got a bit over the top for me and I have not watched one for many years.
    Lovely shuttles.
    Beautiful earrings

  8. Oh those shuttles are gorgeous-drool!
    Wherever do you find the tiny stars for your trees?

    1. Thanks Michelle - There is an online shop in England http://www.gregory-knopp.co.uk/acatalog/Star_Buttons.html.

  9. ?????? Where would one go to buy one of theses great looking shuttles??? Esty??

    1. When a batch of the shuttles are ready then they are taken to my sister Jane Eborall and she puts them in her Etsy shop on her blog Tatting and not a lot else! However, the ones you see on this blog were sold in less than 24 hours. There will not be anymore until after Christmas. The next batch will be announced though at least a week in advance of them going in her shop.

  10. Great Christmas tree earrings!! :)


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