Christmas tree on a button

My favourite Christmas tatting, at the moment, is this tree on a button.  Of course the pattern is Jane's and it can be found here I tested it for her ages ago but never managed to start a massive production until last week.  A dozen have been made so far and will show you more next time on different coloured buttons.  This particular one I pinned to my coat today that is why it looks slightly squished at the bottom and  I was wearing a fluffy scarf so that moulted all over it too!

It is busy busy here with so much to do before Christmas but I am determined to find time to tat, even if it means stopping up late at night.   I am also working on a snowflake design, nothing complicated but I have run it past 'big sister' and she likes it. 

However, is there room for another tatted snowflake in the world?


  1. I love that tree, and I fully intend to tat one, or two, or more! I just need a few more hours in the day! Of course, there's room for another snowflake pattern! They say no two snowflakes are alike, and considering how many flakes must fall even in a small snowstorm, I think there's no chance we'll ever exhaust the pattern possibilities!

  2. Of course!! There can never be too many snowflake patterns.

  3. I agree with the rest, you go girl!

  4. There's always room for more snowflakes! (As long as you don't have to shovel them or go out in the cold to 'play' with them.)

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