Seeing Stars!

I am still Christmas tatting, which is rather crazy considering that decorations are now being taken down.  My problem is that I have so many threads and beads still lying around plus boxes of baubles that are crying out to be covered.  Somehow I never managed to get them done for this Christmas and just cannot bear to pack all the stuff away again without attempting to complete the task of tatting around them. 

Today is the feast of Epiphany so as the wise men were lead by a star, it seemed a good idea to show you the ones I have been working on since Christmas, and here they are. I have over 30 completed and in a box and stored away until November.

The pattern is this one  from Jane's blog, but I only used the centre bit and added beads.   It is a fabulous pattern for practising Self Closing Mock Rings.

I have also disciplined myself to stop buying anymore Christmas ornaments with the intention of embellishing them with tatting, mainly because they take up too much room and of course time never seems to be on my side!


  1. These are really pretty and unique. Did you just glue the tatting on?

    1. Yes sadly I had to glue them on, not ideal but I used some glue that is strong and when dry was invisible.

  2. Very pretty. You will be well prepared for Christmas 2014 and won't have to do any more Christmas tatting! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I think the stars are fabulous, and gluing the tatting on is perfectly acceptable! They are so colorful! I haven't commented on all of your recent posts, but I'm so impressed at the amount of wonderful tatting you do, with your busy schedule! And I'm looking at several of your pieces right here in my living room, as part of my Christmas decorations! I especially admire the beaded glass ball!

    1. Actually Kathy I am working on those glass balls at this very moment, I have a few left and want to get them finished and out of the way for next Christmas.

  4. Those stars are very pretty. What a unique idea.

  5. What a great idea :). Gorgeous stars :). Will have to buy some plain Christmas ornaments to work on them for this Christmas :).

  6. Your stars are beautiful! I wish I could exhibit your self control. We purchased more red Christmas balls on clearance on our way home from Alabama. They were so pretty, and the price was right!

    1. Oh Diane it is definately self control as I have also seen clearance bargains over the last week for Christmas baubles but have walked away!!! Good luck with finding time to cover yours!

  7. Lovely touch of tatting to the stars. Wonderful!

  8. Wow, I love those stars. Good on you for persisting with the decorations. I still have baubles waiting to be covered. It would be sensible to do them before putting them away!

  9. The Aero belonged to Tessie Blanchard, from Surrey. Her husband deserted her after a political scandal in the 1980’s, taking her shuttle by mistake in his suitcase. He had left in a rather big hurry succumbing to the demands of his new love. His paramour recently divorced him fir further infidelities, found the shuttle, and trying to raise some funds has put a number of things he left in her house up for sale on various internet sites.

    The metal shuttle I am sorry to report was used in a bank robbery in Marseilles in 1996. The owner fled to England and hid in a small Yorkshire cottage till she was discovered in a clinic, where she was discovered masquerading as a midwife. She was arrested during the birth of triplets and instructed a friend to try to sell the shuttle as she was raising money for her defence. She skipped bail and is still at large, avoiding capture and arrest.

    Hope this helps!
    Fox : ))

  10. Well Fox your story really does help!! Ever thought of writing a book?

  11. OMG - Fox, you're a history buff too? What a talent. Thanks for the heads up on the history of the shuttle!!!!!!


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