Tatting thread

My sister-in-law wanted to buy me some thread to use for tatting as a Christmas Present a few years ago, so instead of asking me what I would like she looked on the internet, ebay to be precise.   I was given 10 reels of some very pretty thread that came from Turkey but it was far to slippery to tat with.   Although it did not take me long to find someone who could really use it.   This person was so pleased when I gave it to her as she does Jacobean Embroidery and it was just right for that craft.  Some of the thread is in these cushions which she embroidered for me.

And there hangs another tale, I made the cushions from a Thai Silk bedspread that I purchased in Hong Kong over 36 years ago, but never used.  Sadly the photograph does not do the colours of the cushions or the embroidery justice as the material is brighter and some of the threads are shinny.   

In this photograph you can see some of the shinny thread a little better but the material itself has not come out any better. So now if I have any thread that is unsuitable for tatting I pass this on to my friend who does this lovely embroidery and by the way, it is all "free hand" she doesn't draw a design on the cushion to begin with.


  1. She does a good job and they are very beautiful! I know what you mean about the camera not picking up the color because I have that problem and I don't even use a flash some times with that problem, I almost make the room a little dark with out a flash it is crazy huh!

    1. Actually it would have perhaps been better to take them outside to photograph, but it is dull out there and very wet, and I mean very wet!

  2. Those are beautiful. Wow! Free-hand. She did an amazing job.

    1. JB she does some amazing designs and I could not find a better use for unwanted tatting thread.

  3. The embroidery was amazing BEFORE I got to the part where you said she does it all freehand! It's totally awesome, and so beautiful. What a lovely way to 'use' thread that's not suitable for tatting. ;-)
    StephanieW in NC

  4. Stephanie I really wanted to show people how talented she is, because like you I think what she does is awesome. It is also a pleasure to give her unsuitable thread and know it will be put to good use,instead of having it taking up room in my stash!

  5. It's like receiving the gift twice over, isn't it! - what beautiful work.

    1. Never thought of it that way Maureen, but yes it definately is!

  6. I too have been given thread that's not really suitable for tatting. I hope I can find as good a home for it!

    1. Jane that is such a problem, it is so hard to refuse people who think they are doing you a big favour by giving you thread, and then you keep it, just in case and it takes up so much room! I do hope you can find a home for yours, sooner or later!

  7. The cushions are lovely! I can't imagine being able to embroider freehand, but then I'm sure there are many who are baffled by our ability to tat!


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