A Magnet Story

A little while ago I purchased some mirror fridge magnets that were being sold off in our local supermarket.  I thought to myself, a piece of tatting in the middle will be a great idea.  So as usual they were put up in a cupboard but soon retrieved when I wanted to send a parcel to the USA.  Now we get quizzed at the Post Office as to what is in any parcel or packet that is being posted, inland as well as overseas.  If the item is to be posted inland then of course a customs declaration does not have to be filled in, but obviously for overseas it does and instead of reading what I have put on the declaration they still ask what is inside. I found out recently that sending magnets overseas is definitely not allowed and so therefore had to bring the offending parcel back and extract said magnets.  

The idea of putting tatting in the middle of the mirror magnets, with the emphasis on mirror proved to be another problem, for ages I kept putting in one piece of tatting in after another,  all were overshadowed by the border until I  finally resolved the problem. 

Another difficulty was photographing this as obviously I kept getting my reflection in the mirror!

These are the packets I bought and as you can see there are square ones, I am tatting something slightly different for these.

However my advise is never to buy anything that is predominately mirrors if you want to include tatting!


  1. Perhaps a parcel with a magnet in it could attract other parcels?

    1. I guess so Jane or get stuck on machinery, there are so many items we are not allowed to post now, a lot of it to do with security.

  2. What a disappointment to find out that you can't ship the pretty tatted magnets. The colorful example in your photo is lovely.

    1. Yes it is a disappointment Marilee, so I am going to give them away to friends around me.

  3. Wow I don't think I have ever seen anything like it!

    1. Thanks Madtattter I am always looking for new things to put tatting on, although it can sometimes end in tears!

  4. Refrigerator magnets pull would be so weak, I can't see them interfering with anything. Sigh. The world has gotten too crazy.

    I love your motif. The mirror is a wonderful frame. If all else fails, send the motif with instructions as to what size magnet to get and which glue. After all, there are magnets everywhere.

  5. So agree the world has gone crazy, in fact I order handbag magnets and they arrive in the post okay - I think the Post Office workers make up their own rules! When I say a parcel contains a tatting shuttle I then have to explain what it is!! So one day they will probably say no to them being sent by post!!!


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