Post Shuttles with a difference

Following on from the wood that Sue Hanson gave us whilst in London, some shuttles are in the process of being made.   I say 'process' as these pictures do not show them fully completed, they still need some more sanding and oiling.    But thought you would like a quick look at them.

The woods are Yellowheart, Violet Rosewood and Pink Ivory

A request from Sue was to have an indent for the finger/thumb on the top of the shuttle and here it is on a holly one.

I am still tatting the inserts for the mirror magnets, here is a selection.

They are going to be Christmas giveaways unless they find new homes before then!


  1. Sue Hanson, the instigator! Your I'm in the Garage is a magnificent wood worker!! The mirror magnets are artfully embellished!
    Katie V in NC

  2. love the shuttles at top tat is the kind I like to use! and your mirrors with tatting are now a great collection that will be lots of fun for gifts!

  3. Slight indent for thumb/finger make a shuttle comfortable. Good idea. Very nice mirror magnets. You and 'im in the Garage have been busy while sis is away playing in the states. Karen in OR

  4. Oh, that violet rosewood shuttle is the prettiest!! (but that's just My h.o.) :-)

  5. Susan & Lace-lovin' Librarian.... Me too!!!! Tell 'im in't garage that he's making a wonderful job on those shuttles!!! I'm going to be 'needing pennies' for Etsy when your big sis gets back over here!!!

    As for the mirrors.... all I can say is.... BRILLIANT!!!! LOL

  6. They are gorgeous! Looking forward to more pics once they have finished :).


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