A Mahonia

Did you know that Mahonias got their name from an Irish nurseryman, Bernard McMahon, who
settled in Philadelphia in the 18th century?  Apparently his business became a
centre for American gardeners, where everyone, from Thomas Jefferson
downwards, met to mull over the horticultural topics of the day.  McMahon
wrote the first book about gardening on American soil, The American
Gardener's Calendar, which was a best seller for 50 years.

'Im in the garage' really likes the colour of the Mahonia wood as you can see from these  shuttles,  it is a lovely yellow colour and contrasts well with the ebony and a purple heart shuttles sitting beside it.

This is a Mahonia bush next to one of the churches and this week it got drastically pruned and guess who brought the wood back with them?

You can see the lovely yellow colour already, but of course these pieces need seasoning.

Oh and by the way my spell check wants Mahonia to be Madonna!


  1. I am amazed at the intensity of that yellow! Beautiful wood.

    1. It is Fox but we are surprised how little demand there is for these shuttles when they are made

  2. Like me, spell check hasn't heard of mahonia! The bush has pretty leaves as well as pretty wood.

    1. So obviously you don't have Mahonias in your part of the world Jane. It is a bush which you either love or hate and I am afraid this one looks rather tired and unloved.

  3. Hi Sally, I read with interest your Mahonia comments. We used to have a bush by our garage door, and eventually, as it grew sideways and not upwards, we were 'attacked' and scratched when needing to get the car out! A few years ago we replaced it with a Eucalyptus tree. So instead of making the Mahonia narrower, we now have to keep the Eucalyptus tree shorter. On a plus side when we do prune it, it gives off a lovely smell!

    1. Anne I think this one went more sideways than upwards and now today it is no more! Strange how plants seem to develop a character of their own, I'm afraid a Mahonias only attraction to us is its wood!

  4. Ooh, can't wait for that wood to be seasoned.... a MADONNA Shuttle to add to the collection!!! And Yes, I did say Madonna shuttle!!! When, eventually, one arrives here, that'll be her name!!!! LOL

    1. Yea you are right a MADONNA shuttle sounds much much better!

  5. The Mahonia is beautiful! I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for one of those shuttles!


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