Summer Giveaway

This is my favourite time of the year,  long days with hopefully lots of sunshine.  To celebrate my 400th blog post and of course Summer, I am giving away the items below.

A post shuttle made out of Rosewood together with some other Summer related items.  So simply make one comment  (together with an easy way to find you blog or e.mail)  and I will use a random number generator to choose the winner.    You have until Monday 29th June here in the UK, I will announce the winner on Tuesday.

This giveaway is open to anyone in the world,  in fact whenever I have given items away in the past the winner has never been in the UK or anywhere in Europe! 

Just one condition on your comment just say something you like or hate about Summer!!

Good Luck!


  1. Summer - season of hail and STORMS.........that's what I hate. But would love to win this wonderful giveaway!

  2. Summer - The smell of fresh grass after a summer rainstorm, the clarity of the air AND the smell of roses!!! Along with the sounds of children having fun in a paddling pool.... I Love those about Summer!! Like Maureen, I'd love to win as well... but an early Congratulations to the eventual Winner!! LOL

  3. Ah....summer and the living is easy.

  4. I love that I have no schedules in the summer, so I'm pretty much free to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I hate that because I have no schedule, time just seems to get away from me! Give-aways are so much fun. Thank you for the opportunity!

  5. I love the summer sunshine and the light that comes with it, but not the high heat. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your give away. My email address is patdtats at juno dot com.

  6. I love the longer summer days, not too hot and humid though. Roses being my favourite flower, are the best in the summer months. Thank you Sally, for your generosity.

  7. I love summer vacation with the kids, but the heat in Texas is brutal!!

  8. Congratulations on your milestone. What I hate about the summer is the high heat. We live in the desert and suppose to get up to 110 degrees F, along with dry lighting.

  9. I wish summer was not so hot. (Our air conditioning broke down and gave me a renewed respect for our ancestors, who had none!)
    The rosewood intrigues me! Thank you for the opportunity.

  10. Ohhh a new shuttle would be nice!!!! I DO NOT like summer! We do not get along at all. Thank You

  11. Summer sun, fun and bbqs with my family!!
    Thanks for the summer fun give away!!

  12. Summer means VACATION for this teacher. Love it!

  13. What a wonderful giveaway! Summer? Oh I love the warmth and the light, even though both can be a bit excessive in this part of the world.

  14. Summer is a great time of year and much too short. I live close to the mountains and that cuts our growing time, but I do enjoy the many fruits and veggies fresh from garden to plate.

  15. Please enter me in the giveaway. I would LOVE that rosewood shuttle. :-) Summer....a season of extremes. I'm not at ALL fond of the heat, miserably high humidity, increased air pollution, and insects, especially the ones that bite, sting, or sneak into the house somehow. On the other hand, all that heat, humidity, and pollution is a WONDERFUL excuse to stay indoors with a huge assortment of colorful threads, beads, shuttles, and beautiful patterns and TAT, and I truly enjoy THAT part of summer. I love the longer daylight hours, too. [trompeter914 hotmail (dot) com]

  16. Only one thing about summer? Sorry, can't do! In no particular order....
    The long, long days (daylight)
    Sitting on my patio, surrounded by flowers, listening to the fountain
    Break from school
    Spending time with my daughters and husband.
    Lunch for more than 23 minutes
    Time to love my family by cooking wonderful meals that we can then eat on the patio, laughing and enjoying each other.
    Thank you for the reminders of what I love!

  17. Please enter my name to the drawing.
    We wait and wait for summer and then it is to hot to get outside and we wish for winter again.

  18. What I like about summer: Longer days! This summer I will be working in the garden more. I've also joined a walking group that hikes 3 miles each day.

  19. I like summer especially because, this is time of bithdays in my family. I have birthday in June, my husband in August, and my son will be born soon:)
    Very nice giveaway:)

  20. Summer is longer days of sunshine, sitting on the deck, being outside with my tatting.

  21. I adore the birdsong of summer: my favourite sound.

    Congratulations on your 400th post, Sally!
    Fox : )

  22. What I like about summer is I can be out side hate being inside all of the time. Love the shuttle.

  23. Congrats on your 400th blog post :). The post shuttle is gorgeous! I love summer as it means it's nearly Christmas time = spending time with family and extended family :).

  24. What an incredible milestone ... congratulations :-))
    I hate Indian Summers when they are muggy & make heavy weather.
    I Do, however, enjoy the longer days & better light when I get more time to tat . And can simultaneously enjoy enjoy the European leg of tennis season ;-P

  25. Midsummer and the bright nights, birds twitter, colorful flowers, berries, fruits and enough sunlight to tat.

  26. I live near San Francisco in California. So compared to someplace it's summer here all the time :) But, my favorite part of our summer, is when, after a blisteringly hot day, the fog rolls in off the ocean. Blanketing everything with a soft, delicious coolness...It's our marvelous natural air conditioner!

  27. I live in Woodstock Ontario, and our weather is highly variable. We can go from cool (18C) to sweltering (32C) in a day. We're also surrounded by the Great Lakes on 3 sides so we also have humidity, making the hot days feel even worse. I love being able to just slip on sandals, grab my purse and go during the warm months. I hate the heat waves with the oppressive humidity.

  28. Not sure if my comment earlier went through. it went off the screen as I click 'publish'. Here we go again (please delete this is it duplicates).

    Malaysian is a very humid country. When the sun is high and I am outdoors, I can easily sweat and my skin feel sticky. When I am indoor, the heat is not so bad and I don't sweat so much. I like to look out the window at the sunny day and at the leaves in the trees swaying with the breeze. That is the closest that I get to remind me of summer evenings in England. I miss that a lot.

  29. Happy 400th blog posts!
    How fun to have a summer giveaway?! It's summer here (in Singapore) all year round, and it's load of fun -- in the sun and indoors. Just because the weather permits, we have awesome water activities and pretty plants to enjoy. You know how lucky we are! :D

  30. Congratulations on your 400th post. Greetings from Sunny Singapore ! Its practically summer all year round here, love the sunshine but not the humidity : )

  31. Congratulations on this milestone.
    in summer i love the long days and vacation but i hate mosquitoes....
    Thank you for the opportunity
    my email is orazi dot ryeny at yahoo dot com

  32. Happy milestone! :-)

    Anitra Stone (

  33. Summer... long days, more light, that's what I like.
    But heat... I can't stand high temperatures any more due to Uhthoff's syndrome.

    So burying indoors and cool down is my method. Perfect time for tatting!!! :-)

  34. Of course, it's winter here in Australia, but the chilly weather has me thinking longingly of warm summer nights. One of my favorite things to do in summer is to chase and catch fireflies. There are few things more thrilling than running after a moving ball of light, losing it, then seeing the yellow flash inside your cupped hands and feeling the creepy tickle of the bug as it flies against your fingers...

  35. Summer fun - picnics in the park with kiddies, long walks and bbqs! Congrats on your 400th post and happy summer! Thank you for so generous giveaway!

  36. Summer time of longer days and hot sticky weather! I love the fresh foods available during summer- sweet corn, tomatoes, peaches and grapes. Summer fruits and veggies taste so much better. You can keep the bugs though!
    Congrats on 400 posts!

  37. Congratulations! I hope you post at least 400 more.
    I love that school is out and that life is more relaxed. I also like the longer days.
    I hate the heat and humidity in the summer.
    Thank you for sharing with us.
    jl at pepper dot net

  38. Summer in Wisconsin is cooler near the lake! This is a wonderful giveaway!

  39. Many of us share the same likes and dislikes about summer. I very much love the longer daylight hours and lovely warmer weather, but also dislike high heat and humidity - and bugs! (but I am a little sad that we've turned the corner to 'shorter' days already) . However, what I really dislike is the commercial push to start getting ready for Christmas! I want to enjoy each summer day and also do not want be pummeled by 'back to school ads' (starting after July 4!) I don't remember this 'push of the seasons' happening when I was young, or even when I was in my 30s in the '70s. But it seems to be something that can't be changed!

    Congratulations on your 400th post! And it's so nice of you to brighten up our days with a lovely giveaway! Although I usually use only bobbin shuttles, I've discovered that a post shuttle comes in quite handy for certain applications in place of finger tatting! Very efficient!

      If you have time to answer, why do you only use bobbin shuttles, I don't care for them, and what is finger tatting and why do you need to use it.

  40. Watching my girls play and the smell of fresh mowed grass!

    slbela59 at hotmail dot com

  41. Congratulations:) Hope you'll have a lovely summer time!
    le5flivoreetincelant at ya..

  42. I love summer - camping with family, fresh vegetables, watermelon and long days.

  43. Summer heat is the worst. I feel like I'm living in the oven -- my name must be Gretel.

  44. Congratulations:) Hope you'll have a lovely summer time!
    le5flivoreetincelant at ya..

  45. Summer rains---in the desert they are so delightful!

  46. I hat when it's too hot to be outside......very happy for our A.C. I love it when the older grandkids come to visit for a week!
    Linda B.

  47. Love flowers in bloom and being outside to enjoy them!
    Paula Jo Merrill

    I love summer, the wamth of the sun, the birds singing in the morning and the frogs croaking at night.

  49. I love the longer days and the sound of sprinklers on lawns...I can handle the heat if I've got a sprinkler to run through every now and then! Congratulations on the 400th post and thank you for the nice giveaway. :)

  50. Love summer days just not the hot hot ones... love the smells the colors and sounds, it makes me smile


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