Square beads

I seem to have rather a lot of square beads and had just begun to regret ever buying them, when I came up with the idea of using them for earrings.  Well I actually regret buying an awful lot of what I have got as time goes by.  Like I would suspect all of us, we get an idea into our head run with it and for awhile it is great and then the novelty wears off and we are left with the remnants of that certain craze, be it thread, beads, material, wool whatever.  

I am constantly surprised when seeing the different sizes of earrings that are tatted, some are ginormous and I honestly can't see many people wanting to wear them.   The ones I have made vary in size but I hope will be suitable for most people to wear. 

Over the years I have given away or even sold earrings and my stash is quite low at the moment, there is a Christmas Fayre on Saturday at which I hope to sell some, not many but hopefully enough to warrant making more!


  1. Oh, these are pretty! And the square bead makes them especially eye-catching! Good luck this weekend!

  2. Very cute ! Your square beads would make a lovely inset for tatted rings, too ! And quick to tat up :-)

  3. Those look wonderful!!! :)
    I think that design with those square beads would make a great bracelet too!! :)

    1. I had thought of that, but wanted something very quick!

  4. I'm nodding a lot as I read your post! I hope you sell some earrings.

    1. We all have too much stuff that we don't use anymore grrrr - thanks will let you know if any sell - or not as the case may be!!!

  5. I've used square beads in a bracelet before - will send the picture....

  6. Very pretty. I've got some square beads too, and when I look at them, I always wonder what in the world I could ever do with them.

    1. Well now you know Martha - I looked at mine far too long!

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  8. Amazing!
    Pattern and beads match very well!

  9. I also have way too much stuff, however square beads are not in my stash. I'm going to be brave and not run off to a bead shop to purchase square beads. I'll just admire yours!

  10. Great idea! I really like the effect of the square beads.


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