28 and still counting!

That is how many Celtic Snowflakes I have now made, most will be given away at the end of the year.   I have plans for the latest batch to become embellishments on bags - that is when I manage to find time to make the bags!

I bought the colourful beads whilst in the USA and they remind me of glass paperweights and the way the colours infuse together making lovely patterns.  As you see I have one such paper weight.   I am trying to pick up the colours and use the thread accordingly, so the one on the right will be a red centre and black surround.

Just look at all the other snowflakes

Get ready for my next Blog post which will feature another number!


  1. Wow, you're really ahead of the game! Good job.

  2. Those beads are super gorgeous!

  3. 28 snowflakes , all the same pattern? - that heap of flakes is amazing. Hope they don't melt before Christmas!

    1. Yes Maureen all the same pattern - I don't think they will melt, rather the case I will forget where I have put them before Christmas!

  4. Wowie~ what a lovely, lovely "pile" of snowflakes!

  5. That is an awesome display of snowflakes! I had planned on tatting snowflakes in the new year, but somehow Spinning Wheels have taken over my tatting life!

  6. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments, now I really must move on. Its a bit like Diane's Spinning Wheels these snowflakes have become addictive!

  7. Those are wonderful!!! Such fabulous colors!!! :)

  8. Such a pretty picture !!!!
    Congratulations on your long blogging run (440 posts, wow!)


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