Belated Birthday Present

I met up with a friend last night who had been to Italy on holiday and she gave me a present.  When I opened the packet I was so surprised to find a tatted bracelet.    Apparently she had discovered the bracelet in a shop together with other tatted items and of course knew exactly what craft it was!

There is no name of the person who tatted it only the name of the shop.  It would be fantastic to know who made this little bracelet as the tatting world is not that huge!

This morning I went to see a girl who is getting married in a months time to look at her wedding dress. The reason being she was worried it was too long and could I help to shorten it - yikes.   When we got there the dress had three layers of lace and it did fall over the underskirt but the task of shortening it was going to be too much and anyway it looked fine.   I took along the tatted white necklace I had made and have said that if she wants to wear it on the day, then she is very welcome.  I will not be offended if she doesn't, although it looked fantastic with the dress, should have taken a photograph.


  1. Great bracelet to receive as a gift!! :)
    Love the white jewelry set!!!! :)

  2. Wow, the necklace is gorgeous, I hope she wears it! How nice that you didn't need to shortened her dress, sounds daunting!

  3. Glamorous wedding gift!! Will certainly pretty up a wedding dress/bridal gown!!! :)


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