Fifteen and Seveneeth

I had to tat the fifteenth snowflake twice because in size 40 it was extremely tight and would not lie flat, but it seemed that tatting it in 20 was not much better.  I pulled, dampened and tried to shape it but failed to get it looking good, so gave up.

The sixteenth (correction the sixteenth is in fact the seventeenth) snowflake was relatively easy to tat but not particularly fond of it

Some more pop-a-bobbin shuttles. 'Im in the garage has been busy getting them ready for Christmas


  1. Hi Sally

    I think snowflake number sixteen is very pretty! At least you are still progressing. well done.

    1. Thanks Anne, only just progressing and also lost the plot on which number snowflake I was on

    2. Sally at least by "losing the numbering plot" you're one snowflake nearer the end than you originally thought you were! Well done for persevering.

  2. Keep,going, just a few left! Love number 16!

  3. I don't know what I more excited for, to see number eighteen (my personal favorite) or more pop a bobbin shuttles.

  4. You're nearly up to 20! - and that is my birthday, December 20, so it was the first pattern I tatted when I got the book a few years ago. But I remember that it gave me trouble at the time, maybe I am a better tatter these days and could probably understand the pattern now.

  5. First of all, you have been much too critical about some of your snowflakes! I don't think I've commented on each one, but I've certainly been following your efforts in completing all 24, and it is indeed a challenge! I'm not sure how many tatters have accomplished it! (I have to admit that I haven't done any of them yet!)

    Actually, you seem to be making great progress, in spite of your busy schedule. I like that you do some in color, as in many cases, color enhances the original design! Your #3 (a favorite design of most tatters, including myself) is wonderful in that variegated thread.

    I assume you are going to tat #16? I can't imagine that you would leave one out! :)

    So glad that more tatters will have the chance to order a pop-a-bobbin shuttle for Christmas. I continue to applaud the effort that goes into making them!

    1. Wow thanks Kathy for you lovely comments. Some tatters have accomplished making the whole 24 snowflakes and I really to applaud them as I am finding it a difficult challenge with a busy lifestyle.

      Just like you I had bought the book and then failed to attempt any of the snowflakes for ages, hope however that I am tempting you?!

      No 16 coming up very soon.


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