Beads and Needles

I am taking a few days off work between Christmas and the New Year although there are numerous e.mails that need answering before then, unfortunately work never altogether stops.  My aim was to use this time to do some tidying, especially the tatting bits and pieces.  Today I sorted out my seed beads and found homes for some that were still in packets and added others to a bead soup which never seems to decrease!

Also some really kind people who know that I use beads, especially the seed ones, have given me some, which I am grateful for but they are often mixed up with other things, such as sequins or different sized beads.  My dilemma is whether it is worth sorted them out, bearing in mind the time and effort when you could just go out and buy them.  However, it seems a shame to do that so will have a quick go at sorting them tomorrow as they are taking up room and I know if I put them away now that will be it for another year.

Although I enjoy using beads in tatting, I loose so many beading needles, or drop them and find them bent and unusable.  I get through a few packets a year, so was pleased to discover a few of them stuck in a pin cushion which is supposed to keep them safe.

Just look how many pins, needles (some beading ones) that I discovered, by squeezing the cushion. Of course I did get pricked a few times trying to  retrieve them!   The cushion is now washed and drying, it will take quite a few days to do this, but not all the needles will be put back!

The threads need sorting next!


  1. Ah yes, I've done that with pin cushions too, amazing what is inside! I try to remember to leave a thread in the needles now, it helps prevent their migration. Mmm, life could be too short to sort beads, good luck with that.

    1. I think you are right about the beads Jane, could spend the time better actually tatting - decision day today - bin or sort?! Thanks for the help!

  2. I think I would sort them Sally then you can begin 2017 all tidy knowing where everything, or at least the beads are! Good luck and a Happy New Year.

    1. I have half sorted them Anne, in other words saved the beads I know I will use and binned the rest! Good job done! Happy New Year to you

  3. It takes a lot of patience to do this kind of sorting of small items. I definitely have to be 'in the mood', or it doesn't go well! Amazing how many needles get lost in pin cushions!

    I am privileged to have some of your tatted pieces with beads and admire your skill in using them!

    1. Kathy I know exactly what you mean about being in the mood and that is why I seem to get in such a mess because the mood does not strike that often! Thanks I enjoy working with beads but at the cost of them wandering around the house and getting everywhere!


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