Troll Dolls

On first seeing the Troll Doll pattern in Martha's book I was immediately transported back to the 1980s, a time when Trolls were very much in fashion.  They seem to have made a bit of a come back since the film Trolls was made last year,  but not as much as in the past. The reason is possibly because there are so many others toys and characters to compete with these days and the film Frozen had a great following.  Here are my two troll dolls, they were such fun to make, thank you Martha.

I found these two trolls which are really pen tops, they must be at least 30 years old, I seem to remember they came free with breakfast cereal but not absolutely sure about that.

From searching on the internet the story is that Troll Dolls were originally created in 1959 by a Danish fisherman and woodcutter called Thomas Dam.   Dam could not afford a Christmas gift for his young daughter Lila and
carved the doll from his imagination. Other children in the Danish town
of Gjøl saw the troll doll and wanted one.   So from wood they have can now be made from thread, how clever is that?


  1. They are adorable, who doesn't love trolls? 😀

  2. That's another of Martha's patterns I've got to try when I get over my current obsession!!

  3. Your trolls are cute. They remind me of the ones that were wildly popular in the 1960s. Nostalgia.... :-)

  4. You never know when you're going to need a 30-year-old troll - it's never a good idea to Throw Things Away! The thread versions are wonderful.

    1. Well Maureen it sounds as if I am a bit of a hoarder! I used to be but have cleared the house of so much clutter over the last few years, these trolls were saved - however initially I forgot where I put them!

  5. Great tatting fun! I love what you've done!

    I love troll dolls! My dad bought me my first one when I was in junior high, way back in the early 60s. I wish I could find that little grey-haired doll!

    1. I know Diane it is such a shame we part with so much over the years, strange I can't remember them in the 1960s.


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