Is it worth continuing?

So I have now tatted six kaleidoscopes and joined them together, and was quite happy with the effect until I almost finished and noticed that the work was not lying very well.  By the time I had joined the last one my disappointment was quite marked.  However, after damping and pressing it does not look too bad.  My aim was to continue with more kaleidoscope motifs using a plain colour edged with black and placing them in-between these, but really don't know whether it is going to be worth the effort.  

May be I will tat something else and come back to it or just put it away in the cupboard!


  1. I love the effects of the black looks great to me 💟🌹💟

  2. Yes, definitely continue, the colours are wonderful.Maybe a small triangular fill-in motif would be a good next step.

  3. It looks amazing! Can't see in a photo your difficulties in how it lies. I'd say persist if you can!!

  4. Okay you have all been very kind and encouraging so I will continue in some form - thank you very much

  5. It's beautiful, 'as is' or enlarged, either way, it's gorgeous.


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