Something different

Recently I have seen some lovely tatted trees on a tatted facebook page, no idea where the pattern has come from but they look so effective.  Many years ago, before the internet,  I borrowed Lindsay's Tatting Collage book from the library but never actually managed to tat anything from it, time and energy were then the overriding factor!  I have since purchased the book, but mainly for reference and ideas.

Whilst looking through an old Ring of Tatters book I found another tree and decided to have ago at tatting it with some adaptations.  Unfortunately it did not turn out quite right, unless you look at it as a wind blown tree!

I am going to have another go but this is what the original design looked like, my idea was to make it more interesting but got lost on the way!

I am now working on another tree and if successful would like to use it in a tatting collage, but that idea may never come to fruition, as I do not have much confidence in my ability to succeed!


  1. I think your tree looks just fine. It might not be what you envisioned, but it's still a tree. We have many trees on our farm, and very few are pretty. The first one you see when you pull in our drive is one of the strangest looking pines I've ever seen. It's been windblown and has a very odd shape for a pine. Still, it provides beautiful shade on hot, summer days. It's my granddaughter's favorite tree, because there's a blackberry bush behind it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

    1. Thank you Diane it is certainly not what I envisioned! Trees do come in all shapes and sizes and some are very loved.

  2. Your tree looks pretty good to me! - although I think the long picots are actually quite a lot longer in the picture of the original design, maybe that's what makes the difference. Lack of confidence puts so many of us off trying new things, but it's probably better not to think about it too much, and just get stuck in! One stitch at a time.

    1. I tried to do the long picots in the one row and the long strands you see in the orginal picture are actually just thread looped through existing picots. At one point I made them longer but then it all got out of proportion! Next one is coming on nicely

  3. It looks great!! I love the colors!!! :)
    Although, I will admit I thought it was a fan.

    1. Um I thought it looked like a fan too!! But was trying to convince myself that it was a wind blown tree.

  4. I have been wanting to do that too from one I saw on Pinterest, yours is gorgeous I love it

  5. Oh, have confidence! I see a wonderful fan of branches in your top creation. Perhaps it could turn into a boquet with ribbons trailing.

    1. Oh more ideas, a bouquet would be wonderful, many thanks

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Jane, no idea where it is leading me though!

  7. I love the idea of tatting trees, l used to make wire trees with semi precious stones on them and loved making them, since moved onto tatting, so l may have a go at the trees with beads. Love your expertise and how you have put them in frames, Mary Ann in Arizona


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