Coffee and Cream Finished

After signing for a delivery today I noted that it is 7.7.17 which is so cool!  However, it is not so cool weather wise because we are in the middle of a heat wave in the UK, but that is fine with me.  Also I am trying to recover from the Art Exhibition that was held in one of our churches over the last three days, it actually took another three days to set up, so pleased it is now over.

Amongst, mostly works of art to hang on the wall, there were other items on display such as 'Im in the Garage' wooden creations and some of my tatting.   So I have pleasure in announcing that both the tatted mats that I displayed were sold and this is one of them, only just finished on time.

I am really pleased that it has been sold, rather than putting it away in a box, although I might have found a home for it especially as it fitted quite well on this table.


  1. I remember you working on this I do believe, and it is beautiful to see again, I am sure it has gone to a lovely home 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

  2. It's so elegant! I'm glad it has a good home.

  3. Oooohhh, that did come out nicely! Good work. It really turned out quite well.

  4. Beautiful! If I could have made it to the sale, there might have been a bidding war! :-)

  5. It's lovely but as your table won't look the same without the mat, you'll just have to tat one for yourself!

  6. I would have had difficulty giving up that lovely mat. It's a beautiful piece, and I'm glad someone appreciated its beauty and workmanship. In spite of your busy schedule, you completed a lot of rounds. Interestingly, it seems to be square now! Wonderful design!

    I'm curious as to the design of the other mat?

    The Art Exhibit was a lot of work! Hope you can relax now.

    I'm wondering if you meant 17.7.17. In the US it would be written 7.17.17. it would have been my parents' 80th anniversary, married on July 17, 1937. I definitely had them in my thoughts yesterday.

    1. Yes Kathy I noticed that it was more square, if I made another one that big again I would need to make the middle bit longer. The other mat was a Renulek one which I made about 3 years ago, in fact I have another one which I started of the same design which needs continuing and finished at some point. Ah the USA have a different way of giving dates, certainly a date for you to remember.

  7. A massive thank you to all your lovely comments, actually it was hard to let the mat go but hopefully it will give someone else a lot of pleasure


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