Meeting my Tatting Friend

If you travel to another country and you know there are some tatting folks that live there, well you try your best to see them.  Every time I visit Singapore I meet up with Val, her blog is here, although she admits she has got behind with her blogging!

This selfie was taken in an old redundant fire station in Singapore which has been turned into a restaurant. This is quite unique for Singapore because wherever you look there are so many modern high rise buildings. Even with some clever modification the restaurant managed to remind me of home.  My daughter-in-law was singing there and we had taken her baby son (my grandson) of just 7 months to watch.  You can just see the original red fire station door in the picture.

It has now been a month since we returned home and it seems like the visit happened ages ago, time sometimes plays tricks on you 


  1. How nice it is that you have a tatting friend to visit so far from home!

  2. Yes, it's great to meet up with a tatter in a foreign land - my meeting with Jane was one of the highlights of my trip to UK a few years ago.

  3. You have the most fascinating experiences!! Great post!

    1. Suppose I do Kathy, only because I have to journey to see members of my family

  4. So lovely - and the family pics are great! Good to see YOUR face again too!


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