Edleweiss Finished

So I really got a move on with this huge doily, it is in fact the third one I have made following Renulek's Edelweiss pattern. Actually there is still a fourth one waiting in the wings, started it years ago but it has remained uncompleted mainly because the colours are awful,  I will show you it sometime.

It was really difficult trying to get a good photograph of the finished piece of work and I know it should have been blocked and pressed properly especially when you see this section which I have just scanned but I was too excited to show you.

On the last row I added some tiny beads to the chains and they give it such a lovely finish


  1. Wow, congratulations! It's lovely. My blog has come right, so I assume the fault was with google, not me.

  2. Looks wonderful to me! I have to limit myself on large projects or I just get bored and don't finish, even when I like the colors! I'm finding I like the quick little projects so I feel like I've accomplished something.

    1. Used to be like that Cindy but now going with the flow of these huge projects and find them relaxing not boring - well at the moment!

  3. I'm astounded at the amount of tatting in this! It's gorgeous! The beads really make it special.

  4. Lovely colours, to me they look like pale yellow and grey - is that correct? Fox often uses beads in her doilies and I think yours are the perfect touch. But FOUR of the same pattern??

    1. Maureen the colours are off-white, cream and grey. But have serious issues with the fourth doily!

  5. Lovely doily congratulations. What's its finished size? Just wondering how many hundreds of beads you used?

    1. Anne the finished doily is 21". No idea on how many beads just kept threading them on the ball thread. They were recently purchased in Singapore so it was good to use them

  6. Wow oh wow! Gorgeous, love the beads!

  7. It has finally dawned on me that this is the third of four of the same doily! 21 inches!! And a fourth in the works! My goodness!

    I do like the beads! Have you cut a long length off the ball and just feed the beads from that end? That would appeal to me.


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