Round 6

I have completed round 6 of Renulek's doily but it did not completely lie flat until I gave it a press.  At first I thought the project would have to be abandoned but hopeful the next rounds will work out just fine.

This photograph was taken from a strange angle as I had placed it on the snowy ground! 

It seems as though the pop-a-bobbin shuttles are still quite popular as I put them on a few tatting related facebook pages as well as this blog.  As a result I have shut 'im in the garage' again to make some more. Unfortunately it is a little cold at the moment, but hopefully Spring is around the corner. 


  1. Your doily looks wonderful!! :)
    We are expecting about 2 inches of snow overnight tonight. ;)

  2. Your doily is sweet and really fun with snow. Mine wouldn't look so good out side right now for we have rain😄

    1. Thanks, snow all gone now so no more opportunities for taking pictures like this

  3. I'm glad pressing did the trick for round 6. It would be a shame to abandon it now.

    1. Jane my heart sank when I thought I would have to abandon it, still a little worried about the next round though

  4. I love the color you’re using for this one! Will you keep it one color, or are you planning on changing it up? Good for you the snow is gone - we just got hit with another snowstorm yesterday. I’m soooooooo ready for spring!

    1. I am not sure Cindy, an ecru colour is tempting me, but it may spoil the doily. Oh just like you so longing for Spring

  5. Oooooh. More Pop-A-Bobbins! Locked 'im in, did you? Sorry, don't do Facebook so I will have to catch the right time. Cannot do it right now, though.
    The next round on the doily is butterflies. I posted mine on my blog. Not too bad, but a lot of tatting. You will enjoy it. Mine is starting to pull a little. I think I need to ease the tension again.

    1. Yep he got locked in the garage and has started making some more shuttles. The next round of the doily sounds interesting looking forward to it. Also thanks for the warning that it may not lie well, don’t want another scare!

  6. I had to give that round a press also. I do like the color you are using!


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