Half way through the month!

Time as usual is going too quickly and I have so much going on in my life at the moment. One of the things I am preparing for is a Craft Evening for Adults in 9 days time.  I started  preparing for it a couple of months ago but suddenly there is a lot more to do and very little time to do it!   In the rare spare moments I have, which are mainly in the evening, I continue with Renulek's doily.

This is one of the crafts that is causing me a bit of a headache, a Spring Rag Wreath, only because there are so many strips to prepare.  However, my son bought me a cutting board, ruler and cutter and now racing ahead with a bag full of bits!


  1. That is a perfect gift for your project.

    1. Yes Bernice it was the perfect Mothering Sunday gift, trying to cut all these strips with scissors (for ten wreaths) was making my hand sore!

  2. What a thoughtful gift! The right tools make all the difference. It's really important to prevent wrist and hand strain! The rags are so colorful! And the doily is looking fine!

    1. Thanks Kathy, Certainly was the right gift, although there was a bit of prompting!!

  3. The Rag Wreath is intriguing, I have never seen one before. I'm sure those cutting tools would have made it much easier.
    I am excitedly awaiting the birth of grandchild #11 and so I have gone back to knitting. Once I had completed the two blankets for this babe, I picked up my tatting again, but my heart just wasn't in it.
    Once the dust has settled, I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy my threads again.

    1. A Christmas rag wreath may be for effective but I only have lots of pale colours from old bed linen! So re-cycling them. That is exciting another grandchild, absolutely know the feeling about not having your heart into tatting, it doesn't feel right when all the threads are there shouting at you!!

  4. Your doily is very beautiful!!! :)
    I bet your craft day will be fun, and that wreath looks pretty!! :)

    1. Thanks, I hope the Craft Day will be fun, a sort of 'girlie evening' but fellows could attend, it will be interesting if any do!


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