Shuttles in a basket

Sorry to say that these shuttles have been in this basket for over a week now and I must let everyone know about them!  Especially those who have requested to buy some.  Firstly though I have to finish the cats.

Actually I did sell a shuttle this weekend, someone who lives only 6 miles away from me bought one.  We had never met before and she just came along and bought one after seeing them on the internet.  We had a quick chat before she headed home, her husband was in the car and so did not want to hear 'tat chat'.  Wish every sale was so easy!


  1. They are beautiful,That is impressive to sell one so close to home, congratulations makes me wonder how many miles away my closest tatter is :)

    1. Today sold another shuttle to someone else in England, there must be a few dotted around the country!

  2. Ooh! I wonder if there are any woods I don't have? :-)

  3. I was amazed to learn in 1989-90 that there are several tatters living in my area, and have tatted with as many as 6-8 at our events, although we are down to 3 or 4 now at the events. Visitors also have mentioned that they do know how to tat or know someone who does. And soon I hope to tell the story of the fellow who made our wood shuttle bobbins for us. I'm sure your husband will enjoy the story!

  4. Be sure to let me know when they go on sale!

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Jen,
      These have all been sold, but more are being made.


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