Another round completed

The last round I tatted seemed to take ages and I was really frightened that I would run out of thread, and have to cut it all off and start again!  It was very nerve racking especially as I did not enjoy tatting this round anyway, so the thought of starting again, was just too awful to contemplate!  Fortunately I made it to the end with a bit of the thread to spare.  As you can see I have started another colour which hopefully is neutral enough to blend in with a Lizbeth thread very close to the original maroon colour.  I intend to use both the colours on the last round but it is hard to see if it will work at the moment.

Needless to say I will be so pleased when this doily is finished!


  1. I am finally ready to begin this round - I hope it doesn’t take as long as the previous one! I am struggling with the amount of thread I have of what I want to use, but I’m afraid to run out. I’m not sure I trust myself to calculate whether or not I’ll make it!

    1. Cindy this is when the whole exercise of making a doily gets very stressful, especially if you don't know if you will have enough thread. However, I can tell you that this round is so so quick, you will race through it!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks I hope the change of colour will work!

  3. Well done for preserving! Too many of us have UFO for ‘‘tis very reason.

    1. Oh Michelle I do have some of my own UFOs hidden away somewhere! However, knew if I did not carry on with this doily it would actually get thrown away, not put away!

  4. Phew. I saw another post about using two colours on the final row, it can be done.

    1. A little bit worried about the final row Jane but your words are making me think it will work - thanks.

  5. I love the color combination! However, am I correct that the maroon color is an HDT or unknown thread and that's the reason you were worried about running out? I don't believe you mentioned the brand of thread when you started this. So glad you didn't have to abandon this doily! I'm sure your matching Lizbeth thread will work out, with this new color (pale blue?) as a go-between. Looks wonderful so far!

    1. Kathy the original thread was Manuela, a large ball but sort of knew it would not go on forever and it was very old! The Lizbeth is almost the same shade, keeping my fingers crossed that it will look good for the finish!

    2. It's good to know an old ball of thread has been given a useful purpose in such a beautiful doily! It seems Manuela is no longer being manufactured, or is difficult to obtain. I'm sure the Lizbeth will look fine!

  6. Oh this will make us keep our fingers crossed please keep us posted!

  7. Playing thread chicken is so Stressful! But worth the effort, your doily is looking good, even if you don't much like the process of tatting it.


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