On show again

It seems so long ago since I designed the button necklace (which is on the side of my blog) I have made quite a few over the years, but there are still many hidden away in my stash.  Last week I decided to wear one as it went with a particular top.  I was surprised and delighted with the attention it got from people and might be inspired to make another one, especially if I need a necklace to match another top.  My problem is that over the last few years I have almost abandoned wearing any jewellery as just could not be bothered. 

What I enjoy most about making these necklaces is playing with different coloured beads and buttons.

Thanks for all the kind comments about Renulek's doily, I have now started the final round and all is going well, hopefully can show you sometime next week.


  1. I have one of these necklaces which you so kindly made for me - and I LOVE it! It's gorgeous and I always get lovely complements on it. Keep making them!

    1. Well thanks you have given me some encouragement!

  2. It's lovely Sally, you'll soon be getting orders for that I expect.

    1. Well one person did ask if I did sell them, of course I said yes!!!

  3. It’s fun to wear jewelry and be complimented on it, even if the real joy is in creating it.

    1. Exactly Jane, it is the joy in creating a piece of jewellery rather than wearing it but also feel sad that so many things I have created are never worn and lie in a box.

  4. This necklace is so attractive, and I've always admired the pattern. So glad others have noticed!! Indeed they are probably amazed to discover that you not only made it, but designed it! Jane must be so proud of you!

    Speaking of Jane, I'm wondering why no comments are coming through on her recent blog posts. It's not normal for her to receive 0 comments. I'm wondering if her email isn't functioning properly. It's also possible she has been so busy that she hasn't been monitoring them.

    1. Thanks Kathy, not sure Jane is proud of me though! I know she has been out for the day, just been talking to her via email. She also is not feeling well, but I am sure she will catch up soon on her blog

    2. Thanks for the response, Sally. Hope Jane feels better! She always seems to have lots of energy - way more than I have, and we are the same age! I just wanted her to know I've been following her Tunisian crochet experiments with interest, and I love her 'star' mat.

  5. Your necklace is wonderful!!! :)


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