Enjoying tatting again

Thank you to everyone for being so sympathetic about my big disappointment on the Renulek doily which I thought I had completed, only to find a huge mistake. Last night I  chopped off the the wrong bit and have loaded the shuttles ready to go again.

Having a little break from the offending piece, meant that I was able to return to this doily and complete another round, and gosh how fast it went, how relaxing and satisfying to see such an instant result.

However, the other doily is calling me, which one will I work on tonight?


  1. Walking away from a pattern that isn't working for me always seems to be the right thing to do. When I return, I find that I"m able to approach it with fresh eyes. Isn't it great to have a familiar pattern to clear your mind?

    1. Definately is great to have a familiar pattern to clear your mind! I was almost at the stage of not wanting to do anymore tatting, even the thread wasn't working!

  2. Isn't it fun to have something go so well and end up so lovely? And, for me at least, sometimes I really need to see something big happy in my own tatting. This is wonderful.

    1. Exactly Michelle and thanks. It is the same in life too we all need something to go well and make us happy!

  3. Will this be the largest of the Fandango rectangular doilies you have made? It's amazing how versatile this motif is, forming either a square or rectangular doily depending how you start out. Also, I now see that one could end with a 'straight' edge or a pointed edge. Very attractive in these colors!

    1. I am hoping it will be the largest Fandango rectangular doily I have made, just need to stick at it! You are right I had to work a few more rows in the centre to make sure that if I did tat a lot of rows it would still remain a rectangle! Thanks for your comment Kathy.


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