Renulek Doily finished

I finished this doily a few days ago but I am actually not that happy with it, the thing is the  piece really needs damping, blocking and a good press.  This should not be needed but I think some parts of the pattern did not work that well. 

I have used three makes of thread on this doily Manuela, Coats and Lizbeth all 20.


  1. Sometimes different makes of thread aren't all the same size....even different colors of the same thread can have slight size differences. Not sure if that would make a difference or not, but on a big project like this doily, it might. It's beautiful. You have done a gorgeous job of tatting, and whether it needs pressing or not, it is exquisite.

    1. Thanks Stephanie but I am sure that it was not the different threads that caused the problem, especially as other people have found their doily does not lie completely flat. Wish the answer was that easy!!

  2. It looks magnificent. I do like your colour combination.

    1. Thanks Jane, as in most projects like these I was frightened that I would run out of a certain colour!

  3. OH MY! CONGRATULATIONS!!! So excited to see this GORGEOUS doily! Wonderful color choices and blending of different thread brands! Surely Renulek will be delighted! You're much too critical about the 'imperfections' that you perceive. I certainly didn't notice! It's simply exquisite! You should go out and celebrate! I am so impressed with your determination to finish this. I didn't expect to see it so soon! LOVE IT!!!

    1. Actually Kathy I am also impressed at my determination to finish the doily too! I have a very low attention span especially when enjoyment of what I am doing takes a dip! Your comments are very kind, as usual, thank you

  4. I think it's beautiful, the colours work so well. I never know where to use colour, there's definitely an intuitive skill to making those decisions. A shame you're not pleased with it,but I can understand your frustration with the pattern. I abandoned my first Renulek choice for the Big Black because it kept bowling so badly. Chose another one and it is much easier. I think tension is critical in her designs, in the big doilies at any rate.

    1. Definately agree with you about tension, although there was something not quite right about this pattern as so many others have experienced the same as I have with it not lying well. But Renulek is so generous with her patterns and they are so clever.

  5. Das Deckchen sieht schön aus. Die Farben gefallen mir sehr gut!

    1. Glad you like the colours, and thanks for you kind comment

  6. Beautiful color combination! I'm still working on mine, and I do recognize that it will need more than a quick shot of steam.

    1. Thanks Diane - um same problem then?! Obviously you have also lost a little interest with it too, hope you finish the doily soon.

  7. Your doily is outstanding!!!! So beautiful!! :)


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