Might start tatting again soon

Some how I have lost any interest in tatting, but still knitting which is something I suppose! I found this necklace in a charity shop today amongst a bundle of jewellery.  Thought to myself why don't I tat around those butterflies?   Anyway no big deal if I never get around to it as the necklace only cost 50p.

And my knitting so far, still a long way to go, another few sections and then to complete crocheting the outside.   Why do things take so long?  Answer I hardly have time to sit and do them!

Now off to vote as it is the European Elections  today, which would not have taken place if we had come out of the European Union, but the country is in such a mess with all that hanging over us. Big sigh.


  1. Great necklace!! :)
    Nice knitting! :)

  2. I was thinking this morning that to make progress on tatting or knitting, you have to put the hours in. Which is not always possible. I do like the butterflies, I hope you can make a plan for them.

  3. Welcome back tatter! I shall be glad when our Parliament sorts themselves out.

  4. Your Tatting Muse will return eventually, we all have breaks, I think. Well.... all of us except for Jane!
    I knit all the time, I do that in the evenings,and tat during daylight hours only..

  5. Great work with knitting and its funny how we switch around many tatters knit, I like beading and sewing for tatting breaks too. I was also interested in that felting but haven't tried it yet!


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