Tatting and Necklaces

Originally I was making these necklaces using just felt, cotton material and felt flowers but then I looked in my tatting stash and decided to use some bits that have been lingering in a box way too long. It makes them now look very unique and interesting and more importantly  the tatting has been put to good use. 

They are going to hopefully be sold at a charity fair next weekend. I am unable to attend,  which in away is a shame especially if any questions are asked about tatting.  Although I have to say after trying to sell so much of my work for decades at fairs and on the whole being disappointed, sort of happy about the situation and if any money is made it is going to a good cause. 


  1. Beautiful. I love how tatting combines so easily with other crafts. It's so versatile. i hope your necklaces sell well.

    1. Thanks Bluff City Tatter, I was really surprised how well these worked. It will be interesting to know if they sell. If they don't will not bother to make anymore!!

  2. I do so love mixing tatting with other arts and so very cute, fabulous donation!

  3. Often it is hard to find jewelry that can be used when your are allergic, disabled or elderly so that it is "safe" to wear. I love these fit the bill.

    1. Never thought of that Bernice, a good selling point, thanks


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