Dumper Trucks

I have so much praise for tatting pattern designers as there is so much skill in getting the finished design not only looking good, but also writing it down in a format that is understandable. Personally only had a few attempts at pattern designing and the whole process drove me crazy!

Martha Ess’s book Toys for Tatting is a real gem, and I highly recommend you buy it. I pick it up now and then and tat something from it. I had to do these ‘dump trucks’ in England we say ‘dumper‘ and just loved the way Martha takes you into a tatting adventure weaving in and out of her design.

I really did not set out to tat two but started the first one and thought I had gone wrong, fortunately I did not cut the thread, just abandoned and started another. Found out with making a second one that I was doing exactly the same as the original so went back and completed it as well. I have a grandson in Singapore who may like these, I am sure he will recognise them as he loves playing with cars and trucks. 


  1. My grandson would love these as well! Perhaps you could frame them for his bedroom, that's what I would do.

    1. Good idea Maureen, think I will just send them as they are and ask my son to frame as the cost of sending them framed is just too much.

  2. They would be adorable stitched on a child's shirt.

  3. I totally didn't recognize that as Martha's design.

    1. Clever isn't it? The book has a few other hidden patterns that make you go wow!!

  4. Very realistic, I can almost see the orange one tipping.

  5. Those trucks are very cute. I'm feeling inspired.


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