Rainbows of thanks

For those of you who live outside of the UK perhaps you are unaware of how the ‘Rainbow’ has become a symbol of thanks to those working in the National Health Service (NHS) especially during the outbreak of Covid-19.  Over the last five weeks children and adults have made their own rainbow pictures out of a variety of materials and  put them in the windows of homes and business.  We are truly grateful to all health professionals and to those people who have been looking after residents in care homes and others who have kept essential services running during the pandemic.   These are my rainbows to wear!

With the bottom set I used Lizbeth 20 thread Rainbow Splash the colour way my sister Jane Eborall thought of and it is just right with random beads for these earrings. The top set were rather a fiddle counting the colours on to the thread and shuttle in the exact order.

The pattern can be found here  it is very old.  

 I remember seeing it years ago and wanting to tat the earrings, now my time has come!  Thank you Georgia Seitz it seems that your pattern has now had a lovely come back.


  1. What a wonderful kind thing to do they are beautiful💐 I haven't heard of this before now

  2. I had not heard of the rainbow as a symbol of thanks. What a wonderful idea! Your earrings are delightful!

  3. What a splendid idea! I like the white ones best, worth fiddling to get the beads in the right order.

  4. I love your rainbows! I would like to join in. Unfortunately, it would be misinterpreted here in California. Rainbows are so universal. Perhaps we can reclaim the symbol for others with the UK leading the way!

  5. Thank you for your comments, I had a feeling that you did not know about these 'rainbows' and how they are seen everywhere in the UK. Even our Prime Minister (who has just returned to work after suffering from the virus) has them on the Downing Street windows. Also on a Thursday evening people come out of their houses and others stop work to clap those people who work for the NHS as well as other key workers keeping the country going during the pandemic.

  6. Both pairs are fabulous colors. How wonderful to use the rainbow as a symbol of thanks.

  7. Brilliant earrings, that way you can always carried rainbows with you. I find Thursday 'clapping' evenings quite humbling, so many, many people to thank, some of whom have given up their lives that others may live!

    1. Thanks Anne very true!! My husband is an NHS worker in a hospital where there are covid-19 patients so it is quite a scary time at the moment.

  8. Great rainbow with shiny beads. I will tat one for my husband's daughter a COVID-19 Registered Nurse:) Bless her heart! She'll like the rainbow! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Anita thanks, they are easy to tat but so effective. Your husband's daughter must have been very busy during the pandemic.


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