Tatted Crosses

Thank you to those who commented on my last post and welcomed me back, so unexpected and lovely, I really must try and keep up my posts on this bog.

Before Easter I made some tatted crosses which I gave away, all but one. It was during the first few weeks of lockdown. My gifts, mostly posted, took the place of a face to face contact. I then made some more but have not, as yet, put  tails on them so they can be used as a bookmarks. 

Thank you to http://tattingbythebay.blogspot.com/p/free-patterns.html for the pattern, it is simple but very elegant.

I used number 80 and 100 thread together and enjoy seeing the different colour combinations that these threads seem to produce. 


  1. Very pretty. That's a Patten I have not made before.

  2. All are lovely! I'll have to try the 80 and 100 together. I want to see what colors I can invent!

  3. Very pretty. There will be some very delighted people getting these bookmarks! Tatting offers us such wonderful opportunities for playing with color and making people happy at the same time.

  4. That is a pretty pattern. Thanks for the link. Am having tatting withdrawal symptoms, that might be a pattern to tat before going back to embroidery. It’s a lovely idea to send tatting in lieu of face to face contact.

  5. Beautiful crosses. Haven't used size 80 thread for a long time. Makes the crosses look delicate.

  6. They are lovely, what size do the measure?💐

    1. Thank you, the crosses are nearly 3" x 1 3/4" not that big but I guess you could actually increase the stitch count, now there is a thought! Must try that idea!

  7. Those are super fabulous color crosses!!! :)


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