Yew Shuttles

 Here are the latest pop-a-bobbin shuttles to be made, at the moment there are other woods to choose from but I thought you would be more interested in these from my last post.

They are on a huge piece of cedar of Lebanon wood. As you can see from the rings (which are supposed to determine the age of a tree) it came from a tree over a hundred years old. The tree is still growing and this piece, along with many more good sized chunks,  came down in a storm. 


  1. I love the picture. I can almost smell the tree after the storm and almost feel the lovely grain in the wood.

    1. Actually the Cedar has a really lovely smell when it is cut.

  2. Ooh! Are the yew shuttles available for purchase? I would love one!

    1. Diana I am sure I have your email somewhere, will be in touch yes they are for sale.

  3. Beautiful shuttles. The tree rings are very impressive. So neat.

    1. Jane they are impressive and very clear, I think this piece was oiled which brings them out more.


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