
I was listening to the Food Programme on Radio 4 last weekend it was talking about biscuits, their history and the British love of them especially during lockdown. Then the presenter quoted ‘tatting and sampler making’  in respect of how biscuit making could have gone the same way. So I tweeted that tatting was very much alive and her reply was “ One unexpected outcome of the biscuit programme is the rise of the tatters! Hurrah”

But today I have some granny squares in crochet, to show you,  they are for a project I am working on, perhaps you can guess what I am making? 


  1. Well done you! Gone the way of tatters indeed. Even more amazing is that they took note! A bright, colourful blanket?

    1. I usually find I get more reaction to stuff on twitter feeds!
      It was going to be a blanket but changed direction now!

  2. Good job! We tatters need to make ourselves known! The granny squares look great.

    1. True Diane and I had to go and listen to the programme again to make sure she did say 'tatting' quite a surprise.
      Thanks for your comment about the granny squares, really enjoying crocheting at the moment.

  3. Not a blanket? Perhaps it’s going to be a beautiful tote bag.
    The only trouble with granny squares is that there’s all the joining to deal with!

    1. No not a tote bag! I was going to join them using crochet but could not find a way to make it look neat. Actually quite enjoyed sewing them together which was a surprise!

  4. Is going to be a quilt? I've never tried to crochet!


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