Holiday Tatting

Holiday packing demands making lots of decisions especially when it comes to what clothes to take with you. So a few days on the Dorset coast in England mid October was no exception. At the last minute I threw some threads and shuttles in my tatting bag. On arrival started to tat Cornelia from Iris Niebach’s book. Just hope I will finish when I return home.

This part of the U.K. is known as the Jurassic Coast where fossils from the pre-historic age can be found. This was one of our finds.



  1. Lovely picture of you. The old fossil!!!!!
    You can’t fall out with me cause you’re my sister!!!!

  2. Good find! I guess the Iris could go on the next holiday with you but it’d be a shame not to finish it.

    1. Jane the trouble is my next holiday is not going to be until sometime next year, if then. We squeezed this one in before anymore Covid restrictions came into force. So may make an effort to finish this piece of tatting!

  3. Dave was just asking me about the Jurassic coast last week. I had to look it up, because I wasn't familiar with it. Great find!

    I do adore Iris's patterns. I've even considered starting another doily!

  4. We had fun searching for fossils, along with most people who walk along that bit of coastline.
    This doily is not very big and it is the first one I have attempted from Iris

  5. Such a beautiful design in that fossil. Pretty colors and pattern of tatting also, and likely more sparkle than the camera can capture of that metallic thread.

    1. Marilee yes you are right the camera is not showing the sparkle.

  6. Beautiful start to your doily!!! :)
    Great fossil! :)


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